Be fashion forward with Collar Links™
Look polished and fashionable in these Tristar Collar Links™ by COLLATERALS. With a combination of abalone shell and black stone in an eye-catching inlay artwork and Flux Quantum charged mount, these collar studs are genuinely innovative and at the same time, fashionable. Your business and formal attire will look updated and sophisticated with the collars affixed in place.
Features: When you buy a set of these Collar Links™, you will enjoy four (4) collar studs crafted using the latest in laser sculpting technology, coated in premium Rhodium and polished in a mirror finish. Each stud has a size of 12.5 x 4.5mm.
You may choose (2) pairs of the same design or mix (2) different pairs within Collar-Links collection. Simply, add to cart your first choice, example; You want a mix of INTERCEPTOR PERLA? Add INTERCEPTOR to cart, than click "checkout" during checkout click "Edit Cart" than look for ( Notes message box) in this box you may write any notes about your order, Example; One pair of Interceptor and one Perla pair.
Technical details
Stud material Brass
Finish Rhodium
Dimensions (4) x Stud 12.5mm x 4.5mm height (4) x Sphere Ball 7.65mm
Center ornament Abalone shell
Side detail Black resin